(w)hole: A life in parts, book dummy
I am so pleased I will be presenting at From Here to…There: Concept and Technique in Artists’ Books, The Twenty-second Annual New Jersey Book Arts Symposium and Exhibition is on Friday November 4th from 8:45am to 5:00pm at the Archibald S. Alexander Library at Rutgers University in New Brunswick, NJ. (close to several major NJ roadways and accessible by rail from NYC and Philadelphia). Now in it's 22nd year! Hope you can join us.
Archibald S. Alexander Library
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey
169 College Avenue
New Brunswick, NJ 08901
Symposium and Exhibition:
Friday November 4, 2015
8:45am - 5:00 pm
Morning includes two hands-on workshops conducted by Catherine LeCleire and Sarah Katherine Stengle. Asha Ganpat will include everyone in an Interactive Artist Book Project. Featured artists Aileen Bassis, The Creativity Caravan (Amy Tingle & Maya Stein), Lesley Dill and Shellie Jacobson will present and talk about their work.
Afternoon includes presentations by featured artists Heidi Neilson, Alexander Osborne, Robin Price and Miriam Schaer. We are very pleased that once again Judith K. Brodsky, Professor Emeritus and Founder of the Brodsky Center will speak about the art presented and sum up the Symposium. A Book Artist Jam open to all participants will take place after the afternoon program. Everyone is invited to show their own books and book art.
In addition our lunchtime seminar will feature readings from artists books, featuring MaryAnn Miller and Lois Morrison. Anna Pinto, the NJBAS Scribe will create unique name tags for the attendees and Marcia Wilson will create a photo-document of the symposium.
Accompanying exhibit curated by Amanda Thackray on view until January 3rd.
Exhibiting Artists
Aileen Bassis, The Creativity Caravan (Amy Tingle & Maya Stein), Lesley Dill, Asha Ganpat, Karen Guancione, Shellie Jacobson, Catherine LeCleire, MaryAnn Miller, Lois Morrison, Heidi Neilson, Ali Osborne, Anna Pinto, Robin Price, Miriam Schaer, Sarah K. Stengle, Amanda Thackray, Marcia Wilson and others
For registration, directions and free parking please call Nancy G. Martin, Archives Assistant: (848) 932-6156
For more information please write to: mjoseph@rutgers.edu or karenguancione@gmail.com