I will be presenting the Presence of Their Absence at The M Word, The Feminist art Project Day of Panels at CAA on Saturday, February 15, on From Sentiment to Sexuality: Revisiting the Maternal Body as Threat, which will begin at 12.40. The panels run from 9-5. The panels are free and open to everyone! Please stop by if you are in Chicago for CAA! You can find more information, abstracts of the talks here
Craft Power! at the Baird Center, South Orange NJ Jan 14 /
Last year I was fortunate to go to the Republic of Georgia twice, working with Clifton Meador and Melissa Potter, my friends and colleagues at Columbia College Chicago. In January we worked with women's groups to make artist books from felt-a local craft heritage. In June, I returned with Melissa to work more closely with Women's Fund in Georgia. Please join us on January 14, at 11.30 for lunch and an in depth look at craft and women's empowerment. Craft Power: Enhancing Women's Rights Through The Practice of Traditional Craft, is sponsored by the Book Arts Roundtable! Reservations are necessary and will cover the cost of lunch ($20/$15 for members of the Book Arts Roundtable) Call 973-761-7151 or email bookartsroundtable@gmail.com before Jan 1. Please join us!
Childfree: Conversations About Choice, Circumstance, and Ambivalence /
I hope you can join me as I will be presenting my work on Childfree: Conversations About Choice, Circumstance, and Ambivalence,a panel at Jane Addams Hull-House Museum, Residents' Dining Hall on THURS Dec. 5 | 6-8 PM
Jane Addams-Hull Houses 800 S. Halsted, Chicago, IL
Reserve a free spot here: http://childfree.eventbrite.com
Organized by Kirstin De Mello
+Carrie Ruckel, moderator and filmmaker, creator of the short film “This is not a feminist theory about motherhood” +Nannette Banks, Reverend and coordinator at McCormick Theological Seminary +Gloria Bowman, writer and author of Human Slices, a love story about the choice to be childfree +Sekile Nzinga-Johnson, Asst. Prof. in Gender & Women’s Studies at UIC and editor of Laboring Positions: Black Women, Mothering and the Academy (2013). +Miriam Schaer, artist and professor at Columbia College, recent work includes Baby (Not) on Board: The Last Prejudice? +Edra Soto, artist and creator of The Franklin exhibit space
Off to Kutztown! /
I am excited to be a keynote speaker for University of Kutztown's Annual Art and Education Conference (tomorrow!). I"ll be talking about historic structures, contemporary artists, as well as my work. If you will be there-please stop by and say hello! This image is of The Felbrigge Psalter an illuminated collection of psalms whose embroidered binding probably dates to the early 14th century-one of the oldest known book with an embroidered binding! One of the very cool book things we'll be looking at!!!
More info about the conference can be found here

Wyoming Bound! /
I will be in Wyoming next week for my exhibition Baby (not) on Board at Western Wyoming Community College, in Rock Springs. I'll be working with students and others in the community. It's going to be really exciting to see this new work up in one space-for the first time! And, there has been some interest in the local press