Making Passports to Wellness. Photo by Jose Araújo
I will be making books on 14th Street, in Manhattan, part of Art in Odd Places 2019 Invisible.
The In(visibil)ity Project: Replacement Parts—A Passport to Wellness invites people to consider their lives — what needs to be replaced, what has been replaced, what is irreplaceable — and to create personal Passports to Wellness. Participants will insert into handmade Passports images of people, objects, body parts and animals to fill the voids of their absence. On completion, participants will take their Passports with them as remembrances.
The Festival takes place October 17, 18 19, & 20, on 14th Street in Manhattan, from Ave C to the Hudson River. There will be performance, installation, spoken word and more! Other festival events include an ‘opening’ on Friday near Rags A GoGo (218 W 14 between 7&8) from 6-8, The Promenade of Visual Flanneurs, on Sat and Sun 2-4pm, and on Sunday from 4-6pm there will be Spoken Word performances in front of Rags A Go Go with the POEMobile parked nearby. Art in Odd Places 2019: Invisible is curated by Lulu Lolo
You can find me in front or near near Mt. Sinai Doctors Clinic, 226 W 14 (between 7&8-south side of the street)
My hours are: Thursday 2-5/ Friday 5-8/ Sat/Sunday 2-5
I hope you can stop by!
For more info: