Hush, Sculptural Artist book, containing text by Stan Pinkwas. Hand embroidered text, digitally printed inset artist book.
I am so honored to have my sculptural book, Hush, a collaboration with poet Stan Pinkwas, included in Worn Articles: Heard, Read, Remembered, at the Preston Bradley Center, 941 W Lawrence, 3rd Floor in Chicago. Curated by N. Eden Ünlüata and Sherry Antonini, the exhibition is part of Chicago Artists Month and will be on view from October 3 through October 25. The gallery hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 2-5 pm.
Artists in the exhibition: Sherry Antonini, Hannah Batsel, Pate Conaway, Kelli Cousins, Vicktor Ewing, Jason Geistweidt, Niki Nolin, Teresa Pankratz, Hanh Do Pham, Melissa Potter, Bryan Saner, Tracey Dobson, Miriam Schaer, Eden Ünlüata.
There will be an opening reception on Saturday October 3, from 5-9 pm. I will be there and hope to see you as well!